The 2012
Journey Home to Israel

On November 3–12, Fellowship friends from all over the world embarked on the 2012 Journey Home to Israel Tour. On this faith-enriching trip through the Holy Land, participants will walk in the footsteps of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, visit Fellowship projects, and see the Bible come to life as they visit biblical sites that they have only read about.
You can experience this year’s trip with the participants. Click on any day in navigation on the left to view trip journals, photos, and videos. As soon as the tour starts, you can start on day one to experience the full tour, and follow along using the same Journey Home Tour book that tour participants receive detailing each day’s activities.
Want to know more? Visit our frequently asked questions page. Or you can sign up to receive more information on The Fellowship’s 30th anniversary tour in the fall of 2013 by filling out the form below. Final details on the 30th anniversary tour, including tour costs and the final itinerary, will be announced soon.
Keep checking our tour website for final details on the 2013 30th anniversary Journey Home Tour.
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